Photo Gallery
2012-2013: Killyleagh Branch photos
Killyleagh Branch photographs – various outings in 2012 and 2013
Killyleagh FHS outing to Lderry
Killyleagh FHS outing to L’Derry – May 2013 – At the Tower Museum visiting Derry City of Culture
2011: Belfast Branch outing
Belfast Branch outing on Saturday 18th June 2011
St Mary’s Parish Church, Comber
St Mary’s Parish Church, Comber – stained glass window detail of church
2010: NIFHS Wins Website Award – 2nd Place
We are delighted that the Society has been awarded 2nd Place in the ‘UK Large Societies’ Class of the Best Website Award 2010 by the Federation of Family History Societies(FFHS). This is the second year running that NIFHS has won this award.
2010: NIFHS Officers at WDYTYA? Fair in Olympia
Tired but Happy. Six Society Officers attended the WDYTYA? Fair in Olympia (26th-28th February 2010). Here they are relaxing at a reception given by “Find My Past” after the show closed to the public on Friday 26th. They had had a very busy day. At times all six were occupied with attending customers and answering queries (see more photos below of the work during the Fair). They were very pleased with sales and the interest shown in the Society.
From gallery pre show
L to R: Randal Gill; Ann Robinson, Rosemary Sibbett: ready for business at the NIFHS stand
2009: Killyleagh Branch Book Launch
The Book Launch was held at Killinchy Non-subscribing Presbyterian Church on Tuesday December 8th 2009. The title of the Book is the McIlrath Letters, A Family History in Letters from New Zealand to Ireland 1860 -1915. The editorial committee for the book were John Bassett, Chairman; Annette McKee; Bertie Forsythe and Cecil Hawthorne. 64 letters have been transcribed and there are also family photographs.
30th Anniversary Celebration
At the September meeting, North Down & Ards Branch celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the founding of the Society.
2009: A great day… the AGM!
This year’s Society AGM was held on 30th May and hosted by Newtownabbey Branch. The programme started with coffee and a tour of Sentry Hill at 10:30am, then lunch at Carnmoney Parish Church Hall at 12:30, followed by the AGM at 2pm. A most enjoyable day was had by all who attended.
2007: All the Fun of the Farm Museum … and the AGM!
Caption Corner…
Can you come up with a good caption for any of the photographs in this Photograph Gallery webpage? If so, send them in to the webmaster at There are no prizes, just the honour of having the caption displayed in the Caption Corner.