How to Transfer Your DNA Results

It is a good idea to have your DNA results on more than one database. This is because you do not know which company your closest DNA relatives will have tested with.

By adding your DNA results to multiple databases, you can ensure that you have the best opportunity to make the most of your DNA results. You will also be able to take advantage of additional tools which each of the major companies provide.

You can currently upload results from most companies to FamilyTreeDNA, MyHeritage, GEDmatch and Living DNA. Ancestry and 23andMe do not currently accept uploads.

It is important to remember that some DNA companies have databases which have a stronger representation from specific countries. This is particularly true for Northern Ireland, which is why transferring your results can have a big impact in improving your family history research.

Whilst these DNA companies provide a free list of cousins that match you, some additional tools have an optional fee. Many of these tools are well worth investigating as they can help with visualising family connections or make it easier to sort cousins into family groups to help with your genealogy research.

Important notice is currently reviewing their security protocols and have made changes to some aspects of functionality on their site while this is happening. Some of these changes are temporary and we will update the information we provide here on our website when we have more details.

Mahe Connections through DNA

IMPORTANT  –  Please ensure that you have permission before uploading the DNA of any person whose account you manage.

Use these links to see our free PDF guides on how to upload your DNA results to other companies.

Use these tabs to see the details on-screen.

How to upload AncestryDNA results to FamilyTreeDNA and MyHeritage

The first stage is to download your raw data file from Ancestry to your computer and the second stage is to upload this file to FamilyTreeDNA and/or MyHeritage.

Downloading your autosomal raw data file from AncestryDNA
1.  Log in to Ancestry and click on DNA on the menu at the top of the page.
2.  On the right-hand side of the page click on ‘Settings’ and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
3.  Click on ‘download’ in the Download DNA Data section.
4.  Enter your account password for Ancestry, check the tick box and click confirm.
5.  Check your email account for an email from AncestryDNA with the title ‘Your request to download AncestryDNA raw data’.
6.  In the email, click ‘Confirm Data Download’ and you will be redirected to the AncestryDNA download page.
7.  Click ‘Download DNA Data’ to download your raw data file. Make sure you know where you are saving this document as you will need it later.

Uploading to FamilyTreeDNA
Go to and register the name of the tester, your email address and indicate if the DNA you are uploading is for a male or female. When you do this, you will be asked to attach the file that you have just downloaded from Ancestry.
Make sure you also sign the release form.
Write down your kit number and your password will be emailed to you. You will need both of these to log on to see your results.
You can upload the DNA of multiple people if you manage more than one DNA account but each one must be uploaded under the name of the tester and will be allocated a different kit number and password.
Once you have done this you should have results within a few hours.

Uploading to MyHeritage
1.  Go to and log in if you already have an account. If you cannot remember your password this can be reset.
2.  Create an account on MyHeritage if you do not already have one. Depending how you do this, it sometimes requires you to record the names of your parents and grandparents.
3.  Once you have an account created click on ‘family tree’ then ‘my family tree’ – from the menu at the top of the page.
4.  Once the tree is open you will see a profile bar open at the left hand side of the screen.
5.  Select the person on the tree whose DNA you want to upload. If the person is not already on your tree add them to your tree (in the correct position) before proceeding.
6.  On the profile bar of the person whose DNA you want to upload click ‘upload DNA data’.
7.  Scroll down the page and tick boxes to accept terms and conditions, consent agreement etc.
8.  Press ‘upload DNA data’ button and attach the file you downloaded from Ancestry. Remain on the page until you see a message that the upload was successful.
9.  You will receive an email from MyHeritage in a few days’ time to say your results are ready.

If anything goes wrong you can contact one the administrators of the North of Ireland DNA Project for assistance on

North of Ireland DNA Project
Once you have results on Family Tree DNA you are welcome to join the North of Ireland DNA Project if you have ancestors from Ulster. To join the project just log into your FTDNA account and, without logging out, navigate here:
Towards the bottom of the page you will see a link to join our project – just follow the instructions and we will approve you asap. Once approved you will be able to see who you match that also has Northern Irish ancestors and you will also be able to see our project message board.

How to upload FamilyTreeDNA results to MyHeritage

The first stage is to download your raw data file from FamilyTreeDNA to your computer and the second stage is to upload this file to MyHeritage.

Downloading your autosomal raw datafile from FamilyTreeDNA
1.  Log in to your FamilyTreeDNA Account.
2.  On the homepage click on ‘Data Download’ (this can be found in the autosomal DNA section on your homepage)
3.  Click on the arrow at the bottom right of the page (called Build 37 Concatenated Raw Data)
4.  Click on ‘save file’. Make sure you know where you are saving this document as you will need it later.

Uploading to My Heritage
5.  Go to and log in if you already have an account. If you cannot remember your password this can be reset.
6.  Create an account on MyHeritage if you do not already have one. Depending how you do this, it sometimes requires you to record the names of your parents and grandparents.
7.  Once you have an account created click on ‘family tree’ then ‘my family tree’ – from the menu at the top of the page.
8.  Once the tree is open you will see a profile bar open at the left hand side of the screen.
9.  Select the person on the tree whose DNA you want to upload. If the person is not already on your tree add them to your tree (in the correct position) before proceeding.
10.  On the profile bar of the person whose DNA you want to upload click ‘upload DNA data’.
11.  Scroll down the page and tick boxes to accept terms and conditions, consent agreement etc.
12.  Press ‘upload DNA data’ button and attach the file you downloaded from FamilyTreeDNA.
Remain on the page until you see a message that the upload was successful.
13.  You will receive an email from MyHeritage in a few days’ time to say your results are ready.

If anything goes wrong you can contact one the administrators of the North of Ireland DNA Project for assistance on

How to upload 23andMe results to FamilyTreeDNA and MyHeritage

The first stage is to download your raw data file from 23andMe to your computer and the second stage is to upload this file to FamilyTreeDNA and/or MyHeritage.

The following describes how to access and download your autosomal raw data from 23andMe:
1.  Sign In to 23andMe.
2.  Click on your name (in top right), and from the drop-down menu select ‘browse raw data’.
3.  Press Download.
4.  Scroll down the page.
5.  In the Request your raw data download section, tick the box and press ‘submit request’.
6.  Enter your password in the empty field.
7.  Check your email for an email from 23andMe (usually arrives within a few minutes).
8.  Just follow the instructions provided in the “Your 23andMe raw data download is ready!” email.
9.  Click Download DNA Raw Data to download your raw data file. Note where you save the file on your computer (save it, don’t open it).

Uploading to FamilyTreeDNA
Go to and register the name of the tester, your email address and indicate if the DNA you are uploading is for a male or female. When you do this, you will be asked to attach the file that you have just downloaded from 23andMe.
Make sure you also sign the release form.
Write down your kit number and your password will be emailed to you. You will need both of these to log on to see your results.
Once you have done this you should have results within a few hours.
You can upload the DNA of multiple people if you manage more than one DNA account but each one must be uploaded under the name of the tester and will be allocated a different kit number and password.

Uploading to MyHeritage
1.  Go to and log in if you already have an account. If you cannot remember your password this can be reset.
2.  Create an account on MyHeritage if you do not already have one. Depending how you do this, it sometimes requires you to record the names of your parents and grandparents.
3.  Once you have an account created click on ‘family tree’ then ‘my family tree’ – from the menu at the top of the page.
4.  Once the tree is open you will see a profile bar open at the left hand side of the screen.
5.  Select the person on the tree whose DNA you want to upload. If the person is not already on your tree add them to your tree (in the correct position) before proceeding.
6.  On the profile bar of the person whose DNA you want to upload click ‘upload DNA data’.
7.  Scroll down the page and tick boxes to accept terms and conditions, consent agreement etc.
8.  Press ‘upload DNA data’ button and attach the file you downloaded from Ancestry. Remain on the page until you see a message that the upload was successful.
9.  You will receive an email from MyHeritage in a few days’ time to say your results are ready.

If anything goes wrong you can contact one the administrators of the North of Ireland DNA
Project for assistance on

North of Ireland DNA Project
Once you have results on Family Tree DNA you are welcome to join the North of Ireland DNA Project if you have ancestors from Ulster. To join the project just log into your FTDNA account and, without logging out, navigate here:
Towards the bottom of the page you will see a link to join our project – just follow the instructions and we will approve you asap. Once approved you will be able to see who you match that also has Northern Irish ancestors and you will also be able to see our project message board.

How to upload your results to GEDmatch

Important: Before uploading your DNA results to GEDmatch you will need to have successfully downloaded your raw data DNA file from your DNA testing company.

For instructions on how to download from either MyHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA, 23andMe or Ancestry please see the relevant instructions on the accompanying sheets on how to go about this.

Once you have saved your raw data DNA file to your computer you can upload to GEDmatch by taking the following steps:
1.  Go here:
2.  If you do not yet have an account on GEDmatch you will need to create one by clicking on the link where it says ‘Not registered?’ You must fill out a simple form to register and then verify your email address before you can proceed.
3.  Log in to GEDmatch using your email address and password.
4.  On the right hand side of the homepage you will see an upload your DNA files link ‘Generic Uploads’ – click on this.
5.  Complete the simple form indicating the name of the tester, sex, testing company etc and make sure you select the appropriate privacy option. Please note the inclusion of haplogroup information is optional.
6.  Click browse to select your DNA raw data file from your computer and click upload.
7.  Do not leave this website until your file fully uploads – it will upload each chromosome one at a time (you will see the numbers appear as this uploads). You will then be informed when the upload is complete and your new kit number.
8.  Your kit will then be compared against all other GEDmatch kits and you will be able to view your matches in about 24 hours’ time.

You can upload as many kits to your GEDmatch as required (providing you have the necessary permission to do so). You will find all DNA kits you have uploaded on your homepage in the ‘Your DNA Resources’ section on the left hand side.

How to upload MyHeritage DNA results to FamilyTreeDNA

Adding your MyHeritage DNA results to FamilyTreeDNA could not be easier. This is because FamilyTreeDNA already have your DNA as they process all DNA samples for MyHeritage – so all they need is permission to add your results to the FamilyTreeDNA database.

Here’s what to do:
1. Go here:
2. Enter the name of the DNA tester, your email and indicate whether the DNA you are uploading is for a male or female.
3. Click ‘join today’.
4. On the next page click on ‘MyHeritage’ and then go.
5. You will then be redirected to the MyHeritage website and be asked to enter your log-in details.
6. The system will then automatically upload your DNA for you.
7. When this is done you will be allocated a kit number and a password will be emailed to you – you will need these to log on to see your new results on FamilyTreeDNA and accept the terms and conditions of the website. Results are usually ready within two to three days but can be much quicker.

Important: Uploads are only possible if you received your My Heritage results after 7 May 2019. If you received My Heritage DNA results prior to that date then upload will not be possible and you will need to retest with FamilyTreeDNA. If the upload cannot be done then the system will tell you this.

Note: If the person whose DNA you are uploading has already taken a Y or MT test with FamilyTreeDNA then the autosomal upload should be done to the same account that they already have. To do this you need to log in to the specific kit before doing the upload (this is done through the blue link on the autosomal transfer page).

Bear in mind that autosomal transfers should NEVER be done to existing FamilyTreeDNA accounts if the person with the existing account is a different person to the person who took the autosomal test that is being transferred.

If anything goes wrong you can contact one the administrators of the North of Ireland DNA Project for assistance by email on

North of Ireland DNA Project
Once you have results on Family Tree DNA you are welcome to join the North of Ireland DNA Project if you have ancestors from Ulster. To join the project just log into your FTDNA account and, without logging out, navigate here:

Towards the bottom of the page you will see a link to join our project – just follow the instructions and we will approve you asap. Once approved you will be able to see who you match that also has Northern Irish ancestors and you will also be able to see our project message board.

How to upload your results to Living DNA

Important: Before uploading your DNA results to Living DNA you will need to have successfully downloaded your raw data DNA file from your DNA testing company.

For instructions on how to download from either MyHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA, 23andMe or Ancestry please see the relevant instructions on the accompanying sheets on how to go about this.

Once you have saved your raw data DNA file to your computer you can upload to Living DNA by taking the following steps:
1.  Go here:
2.  Click on ‘upload your DNA for free today’ and you will be invited to either create an account or sign into your existing account (if you already have one). Create an account if you do not already have one.
3.  Once you have logged into your account you will see a link to ‘upload DNA’.
Alternatively if you have already uploaded DNA for someone and are seeking to upload a second kit then on your homepage you will see a link to ‘upload more DNA’. Click on this link.
4.  You will be asked to confirm if the DNA belongs to you, a dependant or someone else. You also need to give the name of the tester, country of birth, date of birth and biological sex. Please note that even though this is a UK site the date format required is in the American style (month first).
5.  Select the file from your computer and upload it. This normally takes only a few seconds.
6.  Next you will be invited to join family networks. This is the matching database and is required to see your matches. Click ‘Let’s go!’.
7.  You are requested to choose how you want your profile name to appear on Living DNA and accept the terms and conditions.
8.  Your data will then be compared against everyone else in the database. In about 2 weeks’ time you will receive an email to say your matches list is ready.

NIFHS Membership

For details about NIFHS Membership go to the NIFHS Membership page.  Associate and Branch applications can be made online.