Events Calendar
How to Search:
• To find events organised by a particular Branch, for example Lisburn Branch, search for ‘Lisburn Branch’.
• To search for a particular type of Event, search for ‘talk’, ‘outing’, ‘DNA school’, ‘AGM’, ‘quiz’, etc.
• To search for a particular Event or Speaker, search the name, or part of the name.
To see all the available Events within a particular month, switch to the ‘Month‘ view.

- This event has passed.
DNA Summer School : Using DNA Painter
Friday, 10 September 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm BST
Chromosome painting is a relatively new, yet powerful, tool available through DNA Painter which can be used to identify which segments of DNA you get from which ancestor. In this class you will also learn how to amalgamate your matches list from FTDNA and My Heritage and organise them by segment.
For more details and Booking – go to the DNA Summer School page.