AGM & Update on the Ballycarry & Islandmagee DNA Projects – Martin McDowell & Anne Johnston | Larne Branch | Hybrid Meeting

AGM for NIFHS Larne Branch, plus an Update on the Ballycarry & Islandmagee DNA Projects by Martin McDowell & Anne Johnston, Monday, 15 May 2023 Monday@ 7:15 pm. There are limited spaces at the Museum, and anyone wishing to attend in person needs to email to book a place. Those wanting to attend the talk online also need to email to get the link. Emails need to be received by 12pm on Saturday prior to each...

At The Edge – Paul McFadden | Foyle Branch | Hybrid Meeting

Talk for NIFHS Foyle Branch, by journalist Paul McFadden, on Monday 15th May 2023, @ 7pm.  (Please note the change of date.) Hybrid event: on Site & on Zoom. Those wishing to attend on Zoom should e-mail the Branch Secretary at and they will be sent the...
Written in Stone – Tom Hartley | Newtownabbey Branch | Hybrid Meeting

Written in Stone – Tom Hartley | Newtownabbey Branch | Hybrid Meeting

AGM meeting for NIFHS Newtownabbey Branch, with Tom Hartley, Monday, 8 May 2023 @ 7:00 pm. Hybrid event: on Site at The White House, Newtownabbey, and on Zoom. Do you have ancestors from Belfast? Please join us this Monday for “Written in Stone”, a talk by author and historian, Tom Hartley. Tom’s extensive cemetery research offers insights into the lives and stories of Belfast’s citizens, as well as the city’s rich cultural heritage. A “don’t miss” talk. Our AGM will also take place on the evening.  Whether attending in-person or online, please book now to secure your place: 7.30pm BST Monday 15 May. All welcome. (Venue doors open at 7pm while we set up the streaming equipment for our online guests). Timezone...

Larne in the Northern Ireland Screen Archives – Northern Ireland Screen | Larne Branch | Hybrid Meeting

Talk for NIFHS Larne Branch, on Larne in the Northern Ireland Screen Archives by Northern Ireland Screen, Monday, 17 April 2023 Monday@ 7:15 pm. There are limited spaces at the Museum, and anyone wishing to attend in person needs to email to book a place. Those wanting to attend the talk online also need to email to get the link. Emails need to be received by 12pm on Saturday prior to each...
Update on Finding Ethel – Monica Sheridan | Newtownabbey Branch | Zoom Meeting

Update on Finding Ethel – Monica Sheridan | Newtownabbey Branch | Zoom Meeting

Title/format/venue: Zoom Book now: – Booking usually closes around midday on the day of the meeting. . If you have an interest in adoption, true crime, and research road trips, then this talk is for you. Monica Sheridan returns with a recap of her grandmother’s story and will tell us about new information she has discovered since she last joined us. Shortly after her father’s death in 2006, Monica came upon old photographs and documents in his effects that identified her father’s birth family. Further investigation revealed the tragic murder of a grandmother she never knew, and started a nearly 15-year search for answers. This presentation shows how, through research, road trips, phone calls, letters and countless emails, as well as good old-fashioned detective work, she has uncovered the poignant story of her grandmother’s life and death, and created a bond with a family she never knew. Monica Sheridan lives in Victoria, British Columbia, on the west coast of Canada. She balances working full time as a Project Manager for the BC Provincial Government with her volunteer work as Vice-President of the Victoria Genealogical Society, writing and travelling. She has started work on a book about her experiences in finding her lost family. The talk is free and open to all, although new members are always welcome. Timezone converter: Host: Newtownabbey Branch of the North of Ireland Family History Society...

*Amended* The Irish Land Commission Records – Natalie Bodle | Ballymena Branch | Hybrid Meeting

*Amended topic and speaker* Talk for NIFHS Ballymena Branch, The Irish Land Commission Records by Natalie Bodle, Thursday 30 March 2023 @ 7:15 pm. Talk on the Irish Land Commission records with a focus on accessing Northern Irish records. Hybrid event: on site & on zoom. Those wishing to attend on zoom should e-mail the branch secretary at and they will be sent the...