Irish Section Books

Irish Section Books

Irish Section Books

The North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS) has an extensive collection of Irish interest books in its Randal Gill Library.  A full listing of available resources is available in the Library List.  The main shelfmark headings under which the Irish Books are shelved are given below.  These books are for consultation in the Library and not for borrowing.

For Members who cannot visit our Research Centre we offer a Look Up Service.

When writing a history of one’s family these books can provide valuable background information on the work people did, the places where they lived, the churches where they worshipped and so on.

  • IR 100 to 200  Church Records  click for a complete list, including those transcriptions that are online.
  • IR 225 to 325 Church Directories & Clergy  click for a complete list, including many short biographies of clergy.
  • IR 350 to 460  Church Histories — click for a complete list of almost three hundred books.
  • IR 475 to 500  Directories — Civil & Substitutes and Extracts  click for a complete list of this collection of miscellaneous books containing lists of names.
  • IR 525 to 558  Clans, Biographies, Family Trees and Names — click for a complete list of about 300 volumes about individual clans, families and people and files of family trees.
  • IR 560  Indexes to Wills, Admin. Bonds, Marriages & Burials  click for a complete list, including the Registry of Deeds Wills 1708-1832.
  • IR 575 to 675  Graveyard Records — click for a complete list, including those transcriptions that are online.
  • IR 685  Heraldry click for a complete list of books in this category.
  • IR 700  How to do Research — click for a complete list of books in this category about how to trace your ancestry.
  • IR 725  Military, Maritime & Air Force  click for a hundred or so books covering militia & regimental histories and war memorial books.
  • IR 750  Miscellaneous Research click for a complete list of over a hundred books on, inter alia, Irish history and the etymology of surnames.
  • IR 850 to 855  Newspaper Records  click for a complete list, including Birth, Marriage & Death transcriptions.
  • IR 860  Occupations click for a complete list on farming, linen, railways, shipping, building, policing, milling, … and sports & the Boys’ Brigade.
  • IR 875  Photography click for a complete list on useful books for dating old photographs.
  • IR 900  Places – Towns and Villages click for a complete list of this large section of over 300 books covering many places in Ulster.
  • IR 925  PRONI Reference Books  click for a complete list of these books from the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.
  • IR 950 to 975  Schools and Universities  click for a complete list of about a hundred volumes.
  • IR 980 to 985  Topography and Historical Maps — click for a complete list of books in this category.

There are two other small collections of books housed in the Library: